John Tazare
Project Title: Exploring biases in propensity score analyses of electronic health record data
What were you doing before you joined the MRC DTP scheme?
Medical Statistics Masters at LSHTM.
Why did you choose your primary institution (LSHTM or SGUL)?
I had a great experience studying at LSHTM for my Masters and couldn’t imagine doing a PhD anywhere else.
What do you enjoy most about your day-to-day work and the people you work with?
As a statistician from a mathematics background I enjoy being surrounded by colleagues from a wide variety of health-related backgrounds. This allows me to attend a diverse range of seminars, broadening my knowledge beyond my own research interests.
What do you value most about the MRC DTP studentship?
The RTSG budget means I have everything at my disposable in terms of equipment and training to carry out my research. For example, in my first year I visited McGill university for a specialised course. Subsequently, I had a 1-month research visit to the Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston.
What additional training have you attended with MRC DTP money?
Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology course at McGill university, Montreal.
Where did you go on your placement? What did you do?
I have not yet been on my placement.
Do you have any tips for future MRC DTP scholarship applicants?
Work together with your prospective supervisors when devising a proposal.