Information for potential supervisors

The next MRC LID project call will be sent out to all academic staff in early September 2024. Please check your eligibility, and prepare for the bid in advance, by ensuring that
(a) your supervisory team meets institutional requirements around supervision (initial or refresher) and supervisory team composition.
(b) every member of the team’s institutional RD supervision training is up to date.
(c) every member of the team has met MRC LID’s training requirements.

Once the project call has gone out please read the MRC LID Project Bid Guidance for full details. In the meantime, the key project requirements for our DTP are set out below.

  • A proposed project must fit within one or more of the DTP themes:
  • A proposed project must offer research that supports training in one or more of these core skills:
    • Quantitative skills
    • Interdisciplinary skills
    • Whole organism physiology
  • We are particularly keen to encourage projects which involve collaboration between LSHTM and SGUL.
  • UKRI allows up to 30% of awards to be offered to international students only (up to two of the nine studentship awards available). The awards are paid at the UKRI studentship rate. LSHTM & SGUL have committed to providing bursaries for remaining fees to studentship holders who are nationals of, and resident in, LMICs.
  • The student awardee would need to be based in the UK (within commutable distance of the primary institution, and working at their primary institution) for the duration of the studentship, excluding fixed periods of fieldwork and placement.
  • Every member of the supervisory team must complete MRC LID’s specified training requirements.

MRC LID’s training requirements  

  1. Overview of MRC LID (for all supervisors annually; online; self-led)
  2. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
    1. Initial courses to provide a baseline understanding and shared vocabulary
      1. An Interactive Introduction to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at LSHTM‘ (previous equivalent course offered was ‘EDI at LSHTM’ workshop)
      2. Challenging microaggressions and being an active bystander
    2. Refresher workshop (two years after initial/new courses and every two years thereafter)
      1. Inclusive behaviours for PhD supervisors workshop‘ (previous equivalent workshop offered was ‘EDI Reflective Practice for RD Supervisors workshop’)
  3. Institutional supervisory training
    1. Initial
    2. Refresher every three years


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