Global Health

Theme Leads: Assan Jaye (MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM) and Catrin Moore (CSG)

Global health research to address health inequalities is a priority in the MRC’s Strategic Delivery Plan. It includes planetary health and climate change, global non-communicable disease, and health effects of sustainable development and urban design.

Our institutions’ strategic commitment to these areas is demonstrated by the formation of the LSHTM cross-Faculty Centres for Climate Change and Planetary Health, and for Global Chronic Conditions; and the CSG Centre for Global Health, and Section for Humanities, Ethics, Law and Global Health. Also, the MRC Units in the Gambia and Uganda are now part of LSHTM.

LSHTM and CSG have well-established Masters programmes in Global Health, including Policy, Mental Health, Nutrition, Conflict, Ethics and Law, Infection and Immunity, Public Health, and One Health. Integration of biomedical science and population health training equips our graduates with a breadth of understanding on Global Health.

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