Information for current students’ supervisors
General information
Information about the studentship can be found under the ‘Studentship’ and ‘Current Students’ sections of this website. In particular, we’d like to highlight the Studentship Handbook, which provides students and supervisors with details of how the studentship works.
The MRC LID Studentship Induction & Annual Cohort Update slides may also be a useful source of information.
If you have any specific queries please contact us via
The MRC LID board has awarded a studentship to your project with the expectation that all supervisors associated with the project will meet the requirements and responsibilities set out below.
– Supervisors are required to meet their institution’s regulations and policies regarding student supervision.
– Supervisors must be able to support all costs of the PhD project over and above the MRC standard annual RTSG allowance.
– Any changes to project/supervisor must be approved by the MRC DTP management board, via contact with MRC LID admin in the first instance.
– In addition, supervisors of MRC LID students must support their students in engaging with MRC as an important element of the transferable and scientific skills training. This will include
(a) maintaining contact with, and sharing outcomes, success stories, and news items with MRC LID management board via the MRC LID admin team;
(b) providing updates on project and status whenever necessary;
(c) attending additional training, as set out in the MRC LID Studentship Handbook and events set up by MRC LID;
(d) updating Je-S whenever prompted (and reviewing it at least once a year);
(e) providing outcomes information via UKRI systems (previously researchfish) and annual reports;
(f) providing information for any ad hoc requests from the DTP admin team and/or MRC (previous examples include MRC survey).
– MRC LID students are expected to make the most of the opportunities and activities the additional funding provides, and their supervisors are required to support these elements of the award (for example, by encouraging students to attend MRC training days and retreats; supporting the student’s annual training plan review, together with their MRC LID board mentor; supporting additional skills training, with the MRC core skills and the student’s future career prospects in mind).
Other useful info
UKRI Grant Terms & Conditions
UKRI T&Cs and guidance for training funding
Supervising & monitoring researchers
EDI refresher training
MRC LID has committed to EDI training and biennial refresher training for all staff connected to our DTP2 grant.
A ‘Inclusive behaviours for PhD supervisors workshop’ is available as EDI refresher training for current and prospective supervisors. (It replaces the ‘EDI Reflective Practice for RD Supervisors workshop’ offered during 2023). This live, online, interactive workshop for PhD supervisors examines the application of the inclusive learning environment and its relationship to inclusive behaviour. The session
(a) begins the conversation and exploration of inclusive behaviour and its impact on the PhD student supervisor relationship, and
(b) supports the development of strategies and techniques to address identified issues and specific areas of practice across the PhD supervisory experience.
This workshop is part of MRC LID’s commitment to contribute to a supportive and inclusive academic community.
Workshop details and booking information is noted on the Prospective Supervisors page. Courses will close once all participant places and waiting list spaces have been taken. Please book for the earliest available workshop you can make, as courses later in the year tend to be oversubscribed.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via