Current Students

Handbooks, Terms & Conditions and Useful Links
MRC LID DTP2 Studentship Handbook
MRC LID DTP2 Studentship Terms & Conditions
UKRI Training Grant Terms & Conditions
MRC Additional Terms & Conditions
UKRI Reporting your project’s outcomes
LSHTM Scholarships Terms & Conditions
Fees & Stipend
Please see latest Induction recordings (at the bottom of this page) for more information.
RTSGs & Claiming Expenses
Please see the latest Induction recordings (at the bottom of this page) for more information.
If you are based at LSHTM: Please follow Non-staff Expenses claim procedure (unless you are advised otherwise by the person who looks after your RTSG and travel/conference allowances).
If you are based at CSG: Payroll looks after payments to staff and students. If you submit a Staff Expenses claim it will only be paid in the next month’s pay run. (So don’t go down this route!) The alternative – and better option – is a Non-Staff Expenses Form. These are processed and paid on a weekly basis (so depending on when you submit the claim – and assuming it’s complete/correct – ideally the most you should have to wait for payment to show in your bank account is 1-2 weeks). Here’s the Non-Staff Expenses Form procedure:
1. Complete the attached Non-Staff Expenses form, which is available on the CSG Expenses page. Make sure you have also completed the second tab (inputting your bank details) at either this stage or after your supervisor has signed the form (especially if you’re sharing it by email).
2. Get the form authorised by one of the signatories for your RTSG subproject (we assume this will be your supervisor).
3. Forward the completed form, together with any receipts and proof of expenditure to support the claim, to (or put it in a secure folder and the share the link with them via the email address).
Flexible Funding
All students registered at either partnership instititution with MRC funding (either MRC LID Studentships, or other MRC Studentships or Fellowships) may apply for MRC LID Flexible Funding.
The MRC LID studentship handbook provides information and guidance. Please also read through the separate Flexible Funding page before submitting an application to the DTP.
Insurance (travel and health)
It is essential that you have comprehensive travel and health insurance in place before you leave the UK for any research study ‘business’ (regardless of whether you are travelling for a conference; training; fieldword; or other reason). All students who are on an MRC LID award are expected to apply for insurance via the standard procedures at your primary institution. Further information can be found on these web pages:
- LSHTM Doctoral College – Travel information and LSHTM Finance – insurance (intranet pages)
- CSG insurance arrangements
All MRC LID funded students are required to undetake a 3-month FTE disconnected to their research degree project (including those awarded an iCASE studentships and/or who have planned other institutional visits).
The MRC LID Placement Information sheet will provide the initial information you need to get planning. If you have any questions please contact the MRC LID mailbox.
These forms are only for current MRC Cohort students.
1. MRC LID Placement Form
This form should be completed by all students before undertaking their compulsory MRC LID placement, regardless of whether or not additional funds are applied for.
2. MRC Flexible Funding Application Form
This form should be used to apply for additional funding from our flexible supplement.
3. MRC DTP Flexible Funding Expense Form & Breakdown
This form should be submitted this (along with all receipts) to the Scholarships team by every student in receipt of flexible funding on their return.
4. MRC Studentship Feedback Form
This form should be completed by students on return from training, placements, fieldwork, visits – it provides us with more detailed information for reporting purposes.
Student Cohort Reps
More information about MRC LID’s student reps can be found on our Student Reps page.
Cohort training & social events
As part of the MRC cohort you will be invited to take part in cohort and training activities and events, alongside those arranged for RD students by each partner institution.
The MRC LID Board will arrange two training opportunities per year (these may be any of the following: away day, conference, cohort site visit, retreat). The MRC LID Board expects that students will attend these. Additional training may be offered on an ad hoc basis (as need demands).
Ideally, students will arrange at least one cohort social per term.
If you have any suggestions or ideas for other training and/or events please discuss these with your fellow cohort members and your student representatives.
Student Support
Guidance and support for wellbeing and health, accommodation and finance are available from both institutions.
Students with emergencies, or requiring additional support, should check for appropriate information available via the the LSHTM Virtual Student Hub, Doctoral College pages and/or City St George’s Student Support pages.
Student support is available 24/7 via both Student Space and Togetherall.
National helplines available 24/7 include Shout and Crisis Text line, Nightline, and Samaritans.
Cohort Congratulations

Congratulations to:
Lily Hopkins, Lucy Smith, Shereen Hussain & Millie Williams-Walker on winning the Symposium Day prizes (7 Mar 2025).
(Thank you to everyone involved in our Cohort Symposium, especially the student reps, for all the planning & organisation; James Orsbourne & Sally Hayward for their alumni talks; Jake Kemp for the mental health reminder; and the academic staff (supervisors and board members) who joined us.)
LSHTM-based MRC LID students Faye Cleary, Emma Collins, Georgia Gore-Langton, Harriet Jones, Suzanne Keddie, Sophie Moss, and Emma Teoh (Powell), who graduated today (26 Feb 2025).
Alastair Clements & Chaelin Kim, on their team’s 2024 AMR Surveillance Data Challenge award. (Also to alumni, Naomi Waterlow and Quentin Leclerc.)
SGUL-based MRC LID students Matt Biggart, Claire Broad, Sally Hayward, Nathan Simpson, and Emily Woodcock who graduated today (24 July 2024). And especially Sally Hayward, who also received the Graduate School Prize for Scholarship.
LSHTM-based MRC LID students Egle Butkeviciute, Grace Macklin, Rhodri Edwards, Oliver Hines, Rebecca Roscoe, Alicia Showering, Eve Doran, Penny Sparkes and Tansy Vallintine who graduated today (8 March 2024). And especially Penny Sparkes who was awarded the Garnham Prize.
Emily Woodcock, winner of the SGUL prize for Excellence in public/civic engagement at the SGUL Research Day 2023.
Hamin Lee and Ella Whittle, who were part of the winning Industry Ignite Competition team at the SGUL Research Day 2023.
Jake Wildfire, Alastair Clements, and Naomi Waterlow, Vivli Wellcome Trust AMR Surveillance Open Data Re-Use Data Challenge Innovator Award Runners-up
Alicia Showering, recipient of a 2022-23 UKRI Young Innovators Award
Emily Woodcock, 2022 Max Perutz Science Writing Award Runner-up
Oliver Hines selected for the `Young Statistician Showcase’ at the 2022 International Biometrics Conference
Emma Collins, Rhodri Edwards, Alicia Showering, and Stas Vasiljevs, for winning the the “best financial planning strategy” prize sponsored by James Cowper Kreston as part of the YES20 competition
Quentin Leclerc, one of the team who won the 2018 Wellcome Data Re-use Prize for AMR surveillance challenge first prize
Tash Clarke, 2018 Max Perutz Science Writing Award Winner
MRC LID Induction for new students
All new MRC LID students should attend registration and induction sessions at both partnership institutions (regardless of their primary institution). All students must also attend approporiate transferable skills training – this is likely to be at the student’s primary institution, but can be at either of the partnership institutions.
Registration for study
Week beginning 23 September 2024 (at LSHTM)
– LSHTM registration
– MRC LID Cohort Induction recordings will be made available (below) as soon as they are ready. Plase take time to go through them, and to highlight the recordings to your supervisory team.
– The formal registration session at LSHTM will be on Tuesday 24 September 2024. I will be registering RD students so hope to meet some (all?) of you then.
– The Doctoral Transferable Skills Programme (D-TSP) at LSHTM will be shared with Research Degree students as part of Induction week. Further information about registration and D-TSP will be sent by the Registry and Faculty Research Degree Managers.
Beginning of October 2024 (at St George’s)
– Registration info will be sent out by email during September. Please aim to be present at St Georges’s for the RD Students Welcome in early October 2024.
– Transferable skills training will take place during St George’s Induction week. Details will be sent to you by email by the St George’s Graduate Office. For further information please contact Derilyn directly.
– St George’s Map & Registration Details
Induction Recordings
2024-25 (starting Sep 2024 or Jan 2025)
Relevant slides and recordings, covering the following areas, are available via a OneDrive shared folder. The link has been shared with all new studentship holders.
- 2024-25 Welcome
- MRC LID Funding: Summary
- MRC LID Funding Recording 1: Overview
- MRC LID Funding Recording 2: Tuition Fees
- MRC LID Funding Recording 3: Stipends
- MRC LID Funding Recording 4: Other Allowances
- MRC LID Funding Recording 5: Flexible Funding
- MRC LID Funding Recording 6: Placements
(Previous years’ recordings have been archived by MRC LID. Current/ongoing students should use the induction information/slides here for a refresher on any information they may need.)
Induction top tip
When you meet with your supervisory team after your registration, or at your first monthly meeting, we would strongly encourage you to use the Student-Supervisor Expectations Checklist (you will have access to the document via the Doctoral Pages of the LSHTM Intranet once you’re registered). This will help to set expectations and also avoid common misunderstandings and issues as the Student-Supervisor relationship develops.